Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Fake is what human usually are.
Human born to be fake.
I hate my friends to be fake in front of me.
I pretty sure other hate me too if I fake in front of them.
But I believe all human being fake in front of each other.
Why cant we just be origin?
Why cant we just stop acting fake?
Why cant we just be true in front of each other?
I really dont know why this happen to us now!
In sense of what make me think like that?
Maybe cause of life I going through for the pass 21 years.
I'm bored of this so call 'fake' life.
Please stop to be FAKE!!!
Anyway I'm FAKE as well...

P/s: This post is non-concern to anyone I know. Is just for a normal post to pass my time. TQ

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